Today's recipe comes loaded with memories of my mom's family reunions in Ohio, when her father's huge family would come together in the church basement at long tables, where there was plenty of food, and plenty of her Grandma Young's homemade pies. But one special dish stood out at those reunions... one of my Grandpa Jack's favorites... Heavenly Hash.
My Grandpa Jack Young hand-wrote this recipe for my mom's collection:
In case you can't read it, here's the recipe:
2 small packages lemon Jell-O
1 pt whipping cream
1 can crushed pineapple
1 can pecans
Make the Jell-O. Cut Jell-O in 1" squares after it sets. Whip the cream real stiff, then sweeten. Drain the pineapple and don't use the juice. Put Jell-O in mixing bowl, pour whipped cream over it, then put the pineapple on, then spread the pecans on. Mix very lightly.
"Heavenly Hash" sits in that grey, fuzzy line between "side dish salad" and "dessert," and can conveniently play both roles. It is incredibly light and fluffy and sweet, and is actually very pretty to behold. And it continues to be a family favorite!