Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Care Packages, Cookies, Comics, and Counseling

Well my bags are packed, and tomorrow morning I drive up to Fort Wayne for a little visit... which means (among other things) that I get to see my dear brother Kevan... which means also I will be the courier of a delicious, homemade care package from Mom for him.

And so, today the house was cozy with the smell of cinnamon-sugar in the air, as Mom baked an old family favorite, snickerdoodles! You can find this recipe under the "molded cookies" section of the BCC on page 144. Our only criticism is that Betty claims the recipe makes 6 dozen, and Mom could only make 4 dozen... apparently we Chandlers prefer our snickerdoodles bigger than the average cookie.

Best served warm, with a cup of cold milk or hot chai tea, and with this classic "Zits" comic strip, which Mom keeps on her kitchen cork board:

So true... Here's to moms everywhere who know the power of cookies and counseling!

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